Help Me Get My Lover Back

"Relataionship Advice to win back your ex"

Help Me Get My Lover Back in 3 steps Put Your Tissues Away

Help Me Get My Lover Back

Three Steps To Get Your Lover Back In Your Life

Put Your Tissues Away

You are shocked to find that you feel depressed and emotional and your mind feels like it is going to explode trying to think what to do. You have strong desires to call your ex and beg them to come back to you.

Is it going to make them come back? Sorry, but the answer is a big NO! In fact instead of making things better it is going to drive a big fat wedge between you and your ex.

Your situation will be much worse and your ex is going to keep running in the other direction.

 What you should be doing is the exact opposite of what you are itching to do. Itching to get on the phone and call your ex or maybe rush over to see them? Are you currently staying inside and crying in your bed? Put your tissues down for one moment, and follow these 3 simple steps. Honestly, you are feeling absolute crap right now so what do you have to loose – try it and you will be surprised with the results. Your brain will be able to stop going over “how do I get back with my ex” and instead work towards this goal.

How do I get back with my ex – Realize that they are your ex.

 Now do not stop reading – but the first thing you need to do is accept that you and your ex are not a couple at the moment. It happened. Now for the shocker – tell your ex that you are okay with it, that you are moving on.

Just doing that one thing alone will relieve you of a lot of tension and stress for both you and your ex. Giving you both time to breath and think about the relationship. You will have a clearer head and so will your ex. They are not stressing about your begging, they are not seeing a needy person crying and doing nothing. They will start to see a strong person getting on with their life and will start considering options. If your ex realizes that he or she still loves you, they will let you know.

 How do I get back with my ex – No contact with your ex

 Perhaps this is a hard one to follow but if you want a chance to get back with your ex this has to happen. Right now, not after another 10 text messages or a few hang-ups, you need to stop contacting them period.

You are then signaling that you have already moved on – you are no longer the needy, begging, crying person that no one wants to be with. Alright that was a bit harsh but think about it – do you like the way you feel at the moment? Well your ex will not either.

So, the no contact (you can do it) will allow them to think about the relationship and best of all allow them time to start to miss you again.

When you are able to separate yourself from your ex the calmness and your sign of strength may be the perfect time for them to realize just how important you were in their lives.

How do I get back with my ex – Plan ahead so you are ready when you get together.

So how are you doing? Have you stopped calling your ex? If you have then you may have started to feel a little more in control. Feel ready to meet your ex again and able to have a conversation without begging for them to come back? Ready to show them you are still the person they originally fell in love with. Do not worry you will start to feel stronger with the no contact plan and soon you will feel able to spend some time with them.

So now, it is time to think about how things will go when you do meet.

Plan how you will behave when you meet your ex again. Think about where would be a good place, and what you would like to say to them.

Remember to act strong, (no weeping) and be the person that caught their eye in the first place.

This get together will give you some idea where they stand. How they are feeling after the no contact and what they are now thinking of the new strong person who is getting on with their life without them. They have had time to miss you and any desire that is still there has had time to grow.

 How can I get back with my ex? The above is a wonderful start for improving your chances of getting back with your ex.

You will feel better when you take some sort of positive action in the right direction.

Now it is time to watch a video that explains all this and much more.
So hurry over to
Help Me Get My Lover Back and get your answers.

August 4, 2009 Posted by | Help Get My Ex Back | , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment